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2024 Official Diocesan Directory

The definitive guide to everyone and everything in the Diocese of Providence, the Official Diocesan Directory is used year-round by leaders of parishes, schools, ministries, programs, apostolates, and more. 

2024 Diocese of Providence Directory
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul

Key Leaders Resource Completed Updated

Reorganized and redesigned this year for maximum usability, the 2023 Official Diocesan Directory now features a new centralized directory of clergy serving in the Diocese of Providence and a comprehensive guide to vendors who serve the Church and its organizations in Rhode Island.

Comprehensive Coverage

The 2024 Official Diocesan Directory includes comprehensive sections on clergy as well as religious men, women, and institutes serving the Diocese of Providence. Find detailed information for every parish and Catholic school across Rhode Island along with helpful listings of contact people and resources for every office and ministry. 

Enjoy the included guide to featured vendors and organizations who provide valuable services, products, and ministries to the church.

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